Decan Ruler: The Sun ☀️ | Lord of Prudence 🟡 | Virgo Card: The Hermit 🕯️

Making Coin: What the Eight of Pentacles Reveals About Your Hustle This Virgo Season – Read Your Tarotscope for 23 August to 1 September

So, What Exactly is a Tarotscope, and Why Should You Care?

What’s an eight of pentacles tarotscope? Here’s the scoop: In astrology, each zodiac sign is divided into three sections, known as decans. Each decan lasts about 10 days and has an energy that influences and shapes those days. Every decan is linked to a minor arcana tarot card that resonates with the vibe of that time. Right now, we’re in the first decan of Virgo, which starts around August 23/24 and ends around September 1/2. The energy of these ten days is symbolised by the Eight of Pentacles, also called the Eight of Coins.

Eight of Pentacles and Virgo

The eight of pentacles, especially relevant if you’re reading this in August, carries powerful 888 energy—perfect for boosting your hustle, manifesting your dreams, and fast-tracking your success this Virgo season. Its relevance right now ties in beautifully with Virgo’s themes of hard work, attention to detail, and continuous self-improvement. If you’re reading this blog post during late August, the energy of Virgo, along with the influence of the Sun tarot card—ruler of the first decan of Virgo—and the Hermit tarot card, Virgo’s corresponding major arcana, are especially relevant. I’ll explain all this below, but just know for now that it’s this blend of astrology with tarot that takes readings to the next level, offering deeper and timely insights into how to align with the current energies. That’s why tarotscopes are so powerful and cool.

But if you’ve come across this post at a different time, don’t worry—these insights aren’t limited to just the next ten days. If the Eight of Pentacles shows up in a tarot reading for you, this guide will help you understand what this card means and what it predicts for you. You can use this info whenever the eight of pentacles appears in your readings. These insights here will still be valuable, guiding you on the steps needed to ensure your dedication and effort truly pay off. So, if you’re seeing this at another time, it just means that now is your time to get this information. Okay, so, let’s dive in and see what this tarot card is all about.

Eight of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning

Cue the motivational music because the Eight of Pentacles is here, reminding you that hard work pays off. Whether you’re aiming to ace that presentation, perfect a hobby, or enhance your love life, this card is about showing up and putting in the effort. When it appears upright in your reading, it’s a green light to roll up your sleeves and focus on honing your skills. Think of it as your cheerleader, encouraging you to pursue self-improvement with joy and determination. From mastering a new recipe to reaching your fitness goals, this card celebrates the satisfaction of a job well done, no matter how big or small. Embrace its message for an extra boost in achieving your goals, enhancing financial stability, and personal growth. Every small step adds up to big changes over time. You fought hard for your right to do this in the Seven of Wands, and now it’s time to get down to work.

What the Eight of Pentacles Predicts for You

The Eight of Pentacles is a sign that opportunities are coming your way to turn your dreams into reality. Whatever it is that you want to manifest, now is the perfect time to make it happen. The energy supports your efforts, you will be successful and get what you dream of. The eight of pentacles focuses on finances and work, but this card isn’t just about this energy—it also represents golden opportunities in other areas of your life, like levelling up your love life, giving yourself a major self-care glow-up, or upgrading your living space. This next period of time especially in Virgo season, is your time to manifest everything you ever wanted. 

Career, Hustles and Cash

The eight of pentacles aka the eight of coins is a very positive sign for your finances. Exciting opportunities are here! If you’re employed or in business, this tarot card is an excellent omen for success. It looks like you will have the opportunity to make immediate cash. I like to call this blue money because literally comes out of the blue and from an unexpected source. And it seems you will have the opportunity to secure a regular, recurring income. This might mean you are about to land a new job, turn your hobby into a lucrative side hustle or even started earning a passive income. I call this green money because it’s evergreen, a regular paycheck. The eight of pentacles is your sign to go all-in. So start your Substack, building your audience on Instagram or Tiktok, apply for that job or promotion.

Health & Wellbeing

The eight of pentacles in a health tarot reading means that it’s time to treat yourself. Prioritise your well-being, and the rest will follow. Perhaps it’s time for a few beauty treatments, new clothes, or to splurge on that little luxury you deserve. Your glow up will come from your small, daily habits and routines. So, don’t forget to take your vitamins, moisturise, eat well and get your extra few minutes beauty sleep. The key is a little self-care every day – consistency is your secret weapon! Remember, health is wealth. Also, if you’ve been considering giving your space a makeover, now is the perfect time to put in the work to create your own personal sanctuary. Your environment and the things around you can make a big difference with your work, health and other routines, sticking to good habits.

Love & Relationships

The eight of pentacles is all about the magic of commitment and long-term stability. When this card appears in a reading, it means that your investment in friendships and romantic relationships will bring rewards. Sometimes this card suggests you meet your soulmate through work or in a professional setting. Or it can symbolise a partner who is hardworking, a good provider, and is very motivated to the best at what they do. If this card represents your love, they are likely someone who you can trust completely. This is a committed and patient person. If you’ve dealt with flaky partners in the past and want to find someone who truly has their life together, seeing the eight of pentacles in your love reading is very good news. Hey while you’re here, would you like to try a free tarot love reading? Or sign up for my next free email reading, Venus in Libra in 2024 and What It Means for Your Zodiac Sign.


But wait… did you get the eight of pentacles reversed? Don’t panic! It doesn’t mean what you might think. In fact, don’t get too hung up on reversals—some readers don’t use reversed cards at all. Generally, a reversed card doesn’t signify the opposite of its upright meaning. Instead, it suggests that the energy of the card is present but not fully expressed. It’s emerging, but something is preventing it from manifesting completely; there’s some form of resistance at play. So, if you pull the Eight of Pentacles reversed, consider asking yourself: How might I be blocking this energy? or What am I doing that’s stopping this? 

Eight of Pentacles Manifesting

Whether you’re pursuing a career, financial or life goal, the eight of pentacles represents the dedication to turn your dreams into reality. You can manifest anything you want in life with two essential components: desire and belief. You have to want it, and you have to truly believe that it’s possible. Wanting something is often the easy part, but calmly expecting it is harder. Why? Because you need to genuinely think that what you want is likely and realistic for youHow do you get yourself to believe it’s possible, without feeling like you are just gaslighting yourself? Fortunately, we can draw on this tarot card for insight into what to do so that this mindset comes naturally. So, let’s get into it and make things happen.

Everyday Eight of Pentacles

 Virgo is often seen as humble and down-to-earth, and this energy is your secret key to success. Success doesn’t always come with fireworks—it starts with the quiet, consistent effort that nobody sees. It’s the thousand tiny steps it takes to get from point A to point. It’s taking care of business in responsible and often unglamorous ways. How does this help you manifest? Because it grounds you in reality. You get real world evidence that this is happening, which is the fast track to manifestation. Plus, all the small, boring tasks add up over time to create something meaningful and valuable. So embrace the mundane tasks, the behind-the-scenes work, the things that don’t get immediate recognition. Most good things are created in a process which is largely invisible and humble, but essential.

Here’s a list of what the kinds of things I find myself doing on a day I draw the eight of pentacles:

Consistency is Key

If the eight of pentacles were a book, it would be Atomic Habits. This book teaches us how small, consistent actions can lead to big changes over time. The idea is that you focus on making small, manageable changes and weave them into your daily life as habits. You allow it to be easy and let all your efforts eventually add up. It works because by repeating these tiny actions again and again, over time it becomes a natural part of who you are. You accumulate small wins. You realise that you are the kind of person who achieves these goals. And this is the manifestation mindset you need to make things happen. So just like the person on the card calmly makes one small coin and then the next, over and again, you too can make a million coins over time.

Simplify to Multiply

This is not about doing more; it’s about doing things with intention and care. When you get down to the essentials, it becomes easier to start, stay focused, and get things done. Often, getting started can be the hardest part. But here’s the secret: motivation comes after you start, not before. By simplifying, you make that first step do-able. So break things down into tiny, simple tasks you can handle consistently. The more you keep it simple, the more you get done. Plus, this eliminates your resistance to what you want to manifest. Instead of procrastinating, worrying and stressing, you are just doing it. You start to feel yourself turning in the direction of what you want. You start to really see your dreams turning into reality, one step at a time. This feels great, and feeling good is one of the secrets to manifesting.

Zen Focus

Keeping it simple helps you focus on what matters. Focus helps you get you into a flow. This flow can feel like zen meditation. The eight of pentacles shows that even simple and boring tasks, can all be acts of mindfulness. When you are doing eight of pentacles tasks, see if you can get to a place where like the whole world is just the work. It will give you a sense of peace and take your mind off your worries. The more you overthink, the more you overcomplicate things that should be simple. You can end up feeling overwhelmed and getting nowhere—except closer to burnout. Negative emotions, fear, doubt and worry, will block your manifestations. Focus helps you feel calm and gets you in the right mindset, in the zone to create results. So, magic doesn’t only happen in the big moments—it’s in the everyday tasks.

Just Do It

We all want quick results, the golden ticket. We crave shortcuts and formulas that guarantee success. You want reassure you’re not wasting your time. But here’s the secret: You won’t know until you try. No amount of thinking can replace action. Success comes from experimenting, trial and error, and finding what works for you. So, give yourself permission to make mistakes and learn. Embrace the messiness. None of what you do is a waste of time. Over time, you’ll improve, refine your work, and develop your skill set. Just give it go, and see what happens. This brings in an energy of allowing, which is key to manifesting. Over time, you will notice you are gaining momentum. Your small wins will add up, and reinforce your belief that you want to manifest is genuinely, realistically possible for you.

Embrace Cycles

It can be hard to get into the energy of allowing, unless you understand cycles. Virgo season is the time to plant the seeds of your future success. Patience is key. Things take as long as they take. Think of every task you do now as an investment in your future. You understand that change will happen over time. You plant your seeds, you tend to your crops, and because you know life moves in cycles, you chill out. Once you plant a seed, you don’t keep digging it up. You let it be, trust, know you’ve done your work and it will bear fruit at the right time. Because you know it’s a cycle and things take time, you don’t panic if your result is not here yet. And so, you naturally reach for thoughts that feel better, which is key for manifesting.

Beauty in Small Things

Virgo energy is all about the details. Take a closer look at everything you’re doing, there’s beauty in paying attention to the little things. Virgo energy isn’t about superficial fixes; it’s about real change. You look beyond the obvious to find out the deeper, smaller details. You shine a light on it so you can really see everything. This is just like the Hermit’s lamp or the bright Sun. With careful, detailed, thoughtful work, we often gain a better understanding of things that are not clear at first. Sometimes, just one or two little tweaks, a slightly different approach is all that is needed. You might be so close to what you want and not realising that just one little change could change everything

Know Your Why

Virgo is a season for introspection and personal growth. Ask yourself: What do you want to achieve? How can you better align your actions with your goals? What will really make me feel successful, happy, fulfilled? Getting this answer is like combining the brilliance of the Sun with the wisdom of the Hermit. When you can see your why and what the ultimate goal is, it makes all the routine and mundane everyday eight of pentacles tasks worth it. Feeling the inspiration of what you want to manifest is so key to getting results. So, each day, just ask yourself, how do I want to feel when this day is over? Then start with the easiest, smallest step. Easy to do, if you know why you are doing it.

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