Understanding Mercury Retrograde Mercury retrograde is upon us! Mercury will move backwards from 5 to 28 August. It starts at 4 degrees of Virgo, an earth sign known for its attention to detail. You will need to allow extra time…
Your Forecast: August 2nd to August 11th – The Six of Wands Tarot Card
Your Forecast for August 2nd to August 11th. Yes! It’s time for your Six of Wands Tarotscope It’s Your Moment As we welcome August, the energy of the Six of Wands brings a surge of celebration and triumph. Yes,…
Mercury Retrograde August 2024: Effects on Each Zodiac Sign
Understanding Mercury Retrograde 🫶 Mercury retrograde is upon us! Mercury will move backwards from 5 to 28 August. It starts at 4 degrees of Virgo, an earth sign known for its attention to detail. You will need to allow extra…
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